
The principal of the Company believes “those who have much, much will be expected” and will actively screen any potential opportunities to give back.  One area of interest is to establish a camp for pre-teens and teenagers in each market for which the Company completes a real estate development project.  The camps will provide 3-day or 5-day retreats in hopes of creating a positive environment that reinforce the values of faith, family and friendships that will last a lifetime and by doing so will continue to prepare the camp participants for the opportunities and challenges that life will present them.

The camps will be individually managed by a married couple with at least one of them trained through a faith based Christian ministry and having the desire to work in youth based programs.  This approach provides a positive male and female role model for the camp participants that will also be supported by counselors and parent volunteers.  The camp participants will be introduced to team building activities that demonstrate the importance of believing in themselves as well as develop a willingness to help others but also focus, when possible, on each camp participants areas of interest.

The camps welcome and will actively solicit corporate sponsorships that will be matched by the Company in order to provide discounted or free retreats for camp participants on a case by case basis and based on a determination of hardship.